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Jesus Is Changing Lives!
Daniel is known for teaching God’s Word in a fresh, practical, and revelatory way that always unveils Jesus. He is impacting the lives of multitudes throughout the United States and around the world.
Soul Winning Tools
Do you have a desire to plunder hell and populate heaven? If so, we have developed some simple and effective tools to help you reach people for Jesus.
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Start your new life in Christ today. God loves you and has an amazing plan for you!
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"The individual with the Holy Ghost in them, is greater than any other power in the world."

"Jesus took everything that we deserved so that we can experience everything that he deserves."

"God is for you and will never give up on you!"

"Faith is the doorway to the walking in the supernatural power of God!"

From the Desk
Monthly partnership with the Good News Worldwide Ministries is about connecting with something bigger. It’s about helping to expand our reach and make an eternal impact for the Kingdom of God all over the world.