Taking the Good News Revolution to the World.

Meet Daniel
Daniel is an anointed minister from Sarasota, Florida. With a dynamic and revelatory ministry style, he has been used to impact the lives of multitudes throughout the United States and around the world. His meetings include powerful teaching, preaching, and demonstrations of the Holy Spirit and power including healings, miracles, and prophecy.
Daniel was born again at the age of eight in 1992 and in 2005 after a life-changing encounter with the Holy Spirit and accepting the call of God into ministry, he attended RHEMA Bible College and graduated in 2008. The Lord spoke through Daniel in a word of prophecy and declared, “just prior to the Lord’s soon return, there will be an outpouring of the glory of God that will shake the nations and will result in the greatest harvest of souls the world has ever seen.”
Daniel’s great desire is to see souls saved and see others experience the life-changing presence of God. He is fully dedicated to the call of God in seeing millions of lives impacted around the world and in seeing believers understand the New Covenant of God’s grace and realize how remarkably blessed, favored, and loved they are by our heavenly Father.
God is still moving today, saving the lost, healing the sick, and setting the captives free!
Our Mission
Daniel is passionate about taking the Good News (Euangelion) of Jesus Christ to multitudes around the world and seeing lives impacted by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. He believes the best in people and is committed to helping them live a victorious life of faith. He preaches with a unique blend of revelation, excitement, humor, and love for people that is life-changing for everyone.
Our Vision
Throughout the United States and the nations of the world through campaigns, crusades, and conferences.
Daniel is passionate about seeing churches grow both in quality and quantity.
Confirm and validate the Word of God with healings, and miracles following.
Preach the Good News of Jesus Christ to the lost throughout the world through evangelistic crusades and church conferences.
Through teaching resources and courses on how to be effective at getting results in impacting lives through revelation from the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.
“My speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.”
– 1 Cor. 2:4-5