Led by the Spirit
By: Daniel Adams
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. — Romans 8:14
Believers should expect to be led by the Holy Spirit. In John 16:13 Jesus was speaking about the Holy Spirit and he said, “He will guide you.” The Greek word ‘guide’ in this passage means to lead, guide, and teach. So we don’t have to look for guidance from other people — that’s unscriptural. All of God’s children have the Spirit of God within them and can expect to be guided by Him.
Under the Old Covenant, people didn’t have the Holy Spirit in them. The manifest presence of the Holy Spirit was in the Arc of the Covenant. However, in the New Covenant, the Holy Spirit abides in believers' hearts.
In the Old Covenant people would go to the prophet to seek guidance, because the prophets had the Spirit of God on them and they didn’t. Under the Old Covenant, it was only the king, the priest, and the prophet, that had the Holy Spirit upon them (not in them). The people of that day didn’t have access to the Holy Spirit’s inward leading like we do today. In the New Covenant, it does not say, “As many as are led by the prophets or other people, they are the sons of God.” It says, “As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.”
Confession: I am a child of God. God’s Spirit is in me. I expect to be led by the Spirit of God today. Holy Spirit lead me into your perfect path today in Jesus' name!