Walking in the Supernatural
By: Daniel Adams
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. — John 14:12
Jesus is expecting us to do the same works that he did and greater. Not just in a church service, but outside of the confines of a church service. We have to realize that Jesus' ministry was not just a teaching ministry, but it was a demonstration ministry. The miracles that Jesus performed were validation of the message that he taught. In other words, it was proof that he was who he said he was.
There's a lot of preaching today, but there isn't much preaching of the authentic gospel of the kingdom with power, miracles, signs and wonders. When Jesus preached, there was a demonstration, and when the disciples preached there was a demonstration. In Acts 10 Peter was preaching and the Holy Ghost fell on all of those that heard the message. The book of Acts has not ended. We are living in the dispensation of grace (the dispensation of the Holy Ghost) and as children of God, we are to bring the Kingdom of God in power as we see exemplified in the ministry of Jesus and in the book of Acts.
The biggest thing that Adam lost in the garden was the image of God. The power and ability of God flowed through the image of God. The enemy is constantly trying to distort the image of how you see God, and how you think God sees you because he knows that if he can, it will stop you from flowing in God's power. Condemnation distorts the way you see yourself, as well as it blocks you from receiving revelation from God.
If you were to take a glass of crystal clear water and shine a light through it, the light would clearly shine through the water, but if I take the water and stir in some mud, the light would not be able to clearly pass through. Condemnation is like the mud that blocks the light and power of God from flowing through your life for others to see.
God is waiting on you. He needs people who are yielded to him. Jesus said it’s not me that does the works, it’s my father in me, he does the works. In many churches, they have removed the God factor. They have a church with no manifestations of God. We have to come back to the Book of Acts pattern of being fully yielded to and dependent on the Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us.
Confession: God is for me and the blood of Jesus has made me clean. I have access to come boldly into God's throne room and receive grace to help in my time of need. I will follow God's leading into a walk of the supernatural today!