Zoe - God-Kind of Life
By: Daniel Adams
John 5:26 (AMP) 26 For even as the Father has life in Himself and is self-existent, so He has given to the Son to have life in Himself and be self-existent.
The Greek word translated as “life” in John 5:26 is the Greek word zoe. It is pronounced zō-ā.
As you read through the Bible, when you see the word “life,” there are three Greek words in the New Testament that are translated as “life.” These words and their meanings are psuche which means natural life, or human life; bios which means manner of life; and anastrophe which deals with behavior.
When we see zoe life, it's talking about eternal life or we could say God’s life. It's the very nature of God. It's eternal life as God has it, that which the Father has in Himself, and that which Jesus has in Himself. It is called eternal life, everlasting life, and sometimes just life in the Word of God. Because God is the uncreated creator, he dwells in an eternal realm, which is outside of time as we know it.
No matter what “manner of life” or “behavior” you have, it won’t do you any good unless you have zoe God-kind of life! And that’s what Jesus came to bring you in abundance!
Confession: Jesus came to give me the eternal zoe God-kind of life. I have zoe in me in abundance today! I am quickend and filled with peace and joy today in Jesus name!